Systematic Theology

Alexander, Archibald - Lecture Notes on Systematic Theology, taken by Charles Hodge (1818)

Alexander, James Waddel - On the Use and Abuse of Systematic Theology (1832)

Anderson, Abraham - Lectures on Theology (1857)

Beattie, Francis Robert - The Claims of Systematic Theology Upon the Student of Theology (1896)

Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson - The Knowledge of God, Objectively Considered (1858)
- The Knowledge of God, Objectively Considered (1858, 1869)
- The Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered (1859)
- The Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered (1859, 1869)

Brown, William Adams - Christian Theology in Outline (1906, 1919)

Cecil, Russell - Hand Book of Theology (1923)

Dabney, Robert Lewis - Systematic Theology (1871)
- Systematic Theology (1871, 1878)
- Hodge’s Systematic Theology (1873)

Finney, Charles Grandison - Lectures on Systematic Theology (1846)
- Lectures on Systematic Theology (1847)
- Lectures on Systematic Theology (1851)

Forsyth, Jr., John - John Dick, Lectures on Theology, Vol. 1 (1836, 1850)
- John Dick, Lectures on Theology, Vol. 2 (1836)

Hodge, Archibald Alexander - Outlines of Theology (1861)
- Outlines of Theology (1861, 1863)
- Outlines of Theology (1861, 1878)
- Questions on the Text of the Systematic Theology of Dr. Charles Hodge: Together With an Exhibition of Various Schemes Illustrating the Principles of Theological Construction (1885)
- Popular Lectures on Theological Themes (1887)

Hodge, Charles - Systematic Theology: A Series of Questions Upon the Lectures Delivered to the Students in Princeton Theological Seminary, By the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D. (1865)
- Systematic Theology, Vol. 1 (1872)
                                  - Systematic Theology, Vol. 2 (1872)
                                  - Systematic Theology, Vol. 3 (1873)

Morris, Edward DafyddOutlines of Lectures on the Christian Doctrine (1887)

Patton, Francis Landey - A Summary of Christian Doctrine (1875, 1901)

Shaw, Angus Robertson - Theology For the People (1902)

Shedd, William Greenough Thayer - Dogmatic Theology, Vol. 1 (1888)
                                                                          - Dogmatic Theology, Vol. 2 (1891)
- Dogmatic Theology, Vol. 3 (1894)

Smith, Henry Boynton - System of Christian Theology (1884)

Smith, Marcus - An Epitome of Systematic Theology (1829)

Smith, Samuel Stanhope - A Comprehensive View of the Leading and Most Important Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion (1815)

Vos, Geerhardus - Dogmatiek, Vol. 1 (1896)
Dogmatiek, Vol. 2 (1896)
Dogmatiek, Vol. 3 (1896)
Dogmatiek, Vol. 4 (1896)
Dogmatiek, Vol. 5 (1896)

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge - The Idea of Systematic Theology Considered as a Science: Inaugural Address at Princeton Theological Seminary (1888)
- Review of Miley’s Systematic Theology (1893-1895)
- The Idea of Systematic Theology (1896)
- The Right of Systematic Theology (1896)
- The Indispensableness of Systematic Theology to the Preacher (1897)
- The Right of Systematic Theology (1897)
- Recent Reconstructions of Theology, from the Point of View of Systematic Theology (1898)
- The Task and Method of Systematic Theology (1910)