Robert Alexander Webb (1856-1919)

Biography (Ulster Worldly)

R A Webb.jpg
Robert Alexander Webb is buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Nashville, Tennessee.

Robert Alexander Webb is buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Nashville, Tennessee.

Natural Law in the Spiritual World (1887)

Atonement and Law (1887)

Our Country (1887)

History of the Presbyterian Church of Bethel (1887, 1938)

Application of the Metaphysical Causes to Saving Faith (1889)

The Tithe System (1890)

The Fatherhood of God (1891)

Closed Questions (1891)

The Testimony of God (1894)

The Southern Presbyterian Assembly, 1895 (1895)

The New Christology (1896)

Our Book of Praise: Hymns of the Ages (1896)

Review of Beattie's Presbyterian Standards (1897)

Campbell’s After Pentecost, What? (1898)

The New Pneumatology (1898)

Foster’s God: Nature and Attributes (1898)

Decadence in Present Day Preaching (1901)

The Validity and Sufficiency of Human Testimony to the Miraculous (1901)

The Adamic Principle in Theology (1902)

Stagg’s “Calvin, Twisse and Edwards” (1903)

Vaughan’s “Sermons” (1903)

The Revised Confession (1904)

The Priesthood of Christ (1908-1909)

Calvin’s Doctrine of Infant Salvation (1909)

The Old Theology and the New (1910-1911)

Revelation: Inspiration: The Record (1912-1913)

The Christian’s Hope (1914)

The Modern Mind and Christian Service (1915)

The Second Coming of Christ: A Postmillennarian View (1916)

The Presbyter (1916)

The Evolution Controversy (1916)

The Reformation and the Lord’s Supper (1917)

Christ Laying Down Life For His Friends: Considered From Two Points of View (1917)

Liberty in Preaching (1918)

The Next General Assembly (1918)

Rev. George A. Blackburn, D.D. (1918)

Robert Alexander Webb, D.D., LL.D. (1919)

In Memoriam: Robert Alexander Webb (1919)

Christian Salvation: Its Doctrine and Experience (1921)

Jesus the Virgin-Born (n.d.)

R.A. Webb represents the second point of view on this issue.