Pastors, this is a needful, convicting, and encouraging word from Moses Hoge as you minister to your people this day.

"And now, my brethren, before I take leave of you, permit to request you to turn your attention to the people committed to your care. See what a large proportion of them are perishing in sin. And are we sure that we have done everything in our power to prevent their destruction? that no more effectual measure can be adopted than those already employed, for their salvation? Let us not be too hasty in concluding that we have exhausted all the treasures of Divine mercy, either with respect to ourselves, or our people - that no superior assistance for ourselves in the discharge of ministerial duty, or more effectual grace for them, is within our reach.  The hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear. I will venture to affirm there is one thing which we might do for them more than we have yet done. We might pay greater attention to ourselves - to the state of our own souls. Ah! did we feel for ourselves as we ought, we should soon see a glorious change in the state of our people. We should then feel for them, preach to them, pray for them, and live for them, in a way that would scarcely fail to be attended with the happiest effects."

-- Moses Hoge, Ministerial Piety (page 33 of Sermons of Moses Hoge)