The Westminster Standards at Log College Press

Presbyterianism is historically a confessional tradition. Samuel Miller has ably elaborated on The Importance and Utility of Creeds and Confessions. For Presbyterians, that creed and confession is summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, and related formularies. 

American Presbyterians have written extensively on the Westminster Standards, and Log College Press has assembled many of these resources. We invite you to bookmark this page for further study. There are books here for children and parents (Jonathan Cross' Illustrations of the Shorter Catechism; Joseph Engles' Catechism for Young Children; James Robert Boyd's The Child's Book on the Westminster Shorter Catechism); there are books on the background and legacy of the Westminster Assembly (including B.B. Warfield's "trilogy" on the making and printing of the Westminster Standards, and the work of the Westminster Assembly); and there are expositions of the Confession and Catechism, including volumes by Francis Robert Beattie and Edward Dafydd Morris on the major Standards together. We hope to add further works to page in the future. 

This is rich material for prayerful study and meditation. May this page be a blessing to students of God's Word.